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Crypto Compare
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Crypto Compare

v1.0.17 by Crypto Compare

Monitor cryptocurrency prices, track your portfolio, and read the latest news.

Name Crypto Compare Crypto Compare is the most famous version in the Crypto Compare series of publisher Crypto Compare
Publisher Crypto Compare
Genre Apps
Version 1.0.17
Update December 7, 2024
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Get real-time data on 5,300+ coins and 240,000+ currency pairs, track your investment portfolios and get the latest news from leading sources around the world.

Coin data comes directly from CryptoCompare, the independent global cryptocurrency market data provider.

Watchlist – track your own customized list of coins that you want to monitor and keep an eye on the most popular coins. Coin data comes from 130+ exchanges, covering most cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Litecoin, Ripple, Monero, Zcash, ZCoin, Dogecoin, Bitshares, Stellar, IOTA, Digibyte, Omisego, and many others.

Detailed coin view – make informed investment decisions with insightful trading and blockchain information for each currency. Use our advanced charts to identify coin price trends, apply technical analysis and spot trading patterns.

Multiple portfolios – manage and keep track of your bitcoin and altcoin holdings, with accurate statistics, price changes and profit/loss information. You can have as many portfolios as you want for different crypto assets that you might hold.

Latest news – stay up to date with the latest financial market trends and make your own forecasts. All major crypto news feeds are supported.

If you have any questions, technical issues or feedback please let us know at

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